Simona Paciukonyte

Simona Paciukonyte

Simona was born in Vilnius in 1986. She is extremely talkative even though she was quite silent when she was a small girl. At that time it was more important to jump and dance all the time. Simona does not hide the fact that her decision to choose ballet was influenced by her mother’s unfulfilled dream to become a ballet dancer. Simona pays strong attention to both dance and music. She loves how those two subtle energies compliment each other. Simona calls it harmony and she strives to achieve that. Music and dance help a dancer to develop, move forward and find new strength. A dance is power, fragility, emotion, beauty and passion. Music is freedom, inspiration and magic. When asked about Baltic Ballet Theater, Simona says: „It is like a bus which stopped in my stop where I was patiently waiting. Moreover, I had a huge desire to dance and express myself. I also love the team which is full of ideas and courage.“

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