Gabriele Ilciukaite

Gabriele Ilciukaite

Gabriele Ilcuikaite, born in Vilnius in 2000, is a dedicated and versatile dancer with a passion for artistic expression. Her journey in dance began at the prestigious National M.K. Čiurlionis School, where she earned a diploma in ballet artistry. However, her artistic curiosity led her to explore contemporary dance as a means of authentic expression.

Driven by this new passion, Gabriele pursued further education in Dance and Choreography at Falmouth University, UK. Despite facing challenges that temporarily interrupted her studies, she remained steadfast in her commitment to her craft. Upon returning to her hometown, she seized the opportunity to enroll in a dance pedagogy course at Vilnius University of Applied Sciences, where she honed her skills and expanded her knowledge of dance.

Gabriele’s journey took a significant turn when she joined the BBT troupe, where she continues to flourish as a dancer. Her contributions extend beyond the stage, as she actively engages in various contemporary dance seminars both domestically and internationally during the summer months. Through her dedication and continuous pursuit of excellence, Gabriele brings a wealth of new movements and possibilities to the team, enriching their artistic endeavors.

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